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Friday, 25 December 2015

Changing the email address on your blog

It's actually fairly easy to change the email address assigned to your blog. Whatever you do don't delete the blog. It will take some pleading with Blogger employees to get them to restore the blog for you.

Here's what you need to do: Login to your blog with your current email address, then click on Settings in the dashboard or from the admin page. Click on the permissions menu item. Add your other email account as an author. Give them admin access, then logout and log in as the other email address. Go back to the permissions page and delete the original user.

Disable Android lock screen using custom recovery and “Pattern Password Disable” (SD card needed)

This method is for more advanced Android users that know what the terms “rooting” and “custom recovery” mean. As the title says, for this to work you need any kind of custom recovery installed and your phone must have an SD card slot. Why the SD card? Well, we need to transfer a ZIP file to your phone and that’s usually not possible when it’s locked. The only way is to insert an SD card with the file.Unfortunately, card slots became kind of a rare thing in the smartphone world, so this will only work for some people.
Here’s what you need to do:
  1. Download the Pattern Password Disable ZIP file on your computer and put it on an SD card.
  2. Insert the SD card into your phone.
  3. Reboot your phone into recovery.
  4. Flash the ZIP file on your SD card.
  5. Reboot.
  6. Your phone should boot up without a locked screen. Should there be a password or gesture lock screen, don’t panic. Just type in a random password or gesture and your phone should unlock.
Source: http://trendblog.net/how-to-bypass-android-phone-lock-screen-pattern-pin-password/